AML Proceedings, 1978-1979, part 2

AML Proceedings, 1978-79

See Part 1


Truth and Consequences: The Identity Crisis in Missionary Fiction
Lavina Fielding Anderson 1

Claude T. Barnes, Utah Naturalist
Davis Bitton 9

The Moral Measure of Literature
Stephen L. Tanner 35

Freshet in the Dearth: Samuel W. Taylor’s Heaven Knows Why and Mormon Humor
Richard H. Cracroft 43

Folklore in The Giant Joshua
William Wilson 57

Element and Glory: Reflections and Speculations on the Mormon Verbal Imagination
Bruce W. Jorgensen 65

The Psalm of Nephi: A Lyric Reading
Steven P. Sondrup 79

Voices of Conflict: The Literature of Mormon Sisterism
Chris Rigby Arrington 95

Some Thoughts on Mormon Literature and the Mormon Sense of Sacred Space
Neal Lambert 107

“All Things Which Have Been Given of God … Are the Typifying of Him”: Typology in the Book of Mormon
Richard Dilworth Rust 113

The Process of Living: C.S. Lewis as a ‘Guide of the Perplexed’
William Clayton Kimball 121