Millet, “Remember, Remember: Life Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon” (Reviewed by Richard Ji)

Remember, Remember: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon: Robert L. Millet: 9781639932061: Books

Title: Remember, Remember: Life Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon
Author: Robert L. Millet
Publisher:  Deseret Book
Genre: Religious Non Fiction
Year Published: 2023
Number of Pages: 258
Binding: Hardcover, eBook, and Audiobook MP3
ISBN-13: Hardcover: 978-1-63993-206-1
Price: $26.99 (hardcover) / $14.99 (eBook) /$21.99 (audiobook)

Reviewed by Richard Ji for the Association for Mormon Letters

Remember, Remember: Life Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon written by Robert L. Millet, is a devotional book that invites the reader to remember and apply key teachings from the Book of Mormon.  Released in time for the 2024 focus on the Book of Mormon with the Come Follow Me curriculum, one can use this book to complement their study.

The book has forty chapters preceded by a Preface and Introduction. At the end of the book, there is a Conclusion, two Appendices, Notes, Sources, and an Index. Each chapter is based on a quote or topic from a chapter or more from the Book of Mormon and mostly in order of the chapters as published in the current edition of the Book of Mormon. The chapters do not match the Come Follow Me schedule but can still be used to augment one’s study meaningfully. Each chapter can be read independently of one another. Appendix 1 lists powerful precepts from the Book of Mormon and asterisks those that are uniquely found therein. Appendix 2 offers a topical guide to study.

Consistent with Robert Millet’s style of teaching, Remember, Remember takes a narrative that is mostly comprised of scriptural and General Authority quotations. Millet allows the story to be told largely from these sources.  The scriptures and quotations from General Authorities are artfully woven together with some guiding words from Millet. At times, Millet does interject personal experiences, but he truly allows the power of the Word to speak for itself. I admire Millet for this approach. We live in a day with lots of authors and podcasts where religious teachers and scholars offer insights to enhance our personal studies. Many of these people are entertaining and consume much of their dialogue using personal anecdotes and stories. Millet stands apart with his choice to minimize himself and maximize the word of God. He lives the scripture that says: “And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just – yea, it had had a more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them – therefore Alma though it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God” (Alma 31:5).

Remember, Remember: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon by Robert L. Millet offers an invitation to carefully consider valuable truths in the keystone of our religion. By slowing down and pondering over the insights Millet shares through the word of God, one can find personal revelation as to how to apply them and thereby realize the transformative power of the Book of Mormon.