Stack and Peterson, “A World of Faith (Second Edition)” (Reviewed by Catherine C. Peterson)


Title: A World of Faith (Second Edition)
Authors: Peggy Fletcher Stack and Kathleen Peterson
Publisher: By Common Consent Press (BCC)
Genre: Non-fiction
Year Published:  2023
Number of Pages:  65
Binding:  Hardback
ISBN-13: 978-1-948218-76-4
Price:  $24.95

Reviewed by Catherine C. Peterson for the Association for Mormon Letters

Written by Peggy Fletcher Stack, the religion writer for the Salt Lake Tribune, in partnership with artist Kathleen Peterson, A World of Faith is a summary of many of the world’s religious beliefs and practices.  In the book, we can find many curious practices of different belief systems, as well as universal truths shared by all.  Particularly apparent in the descriptions, is the need for people to reach for a higher being to give life meaning and moral structure.

Stack respectfully gives each religion “equal time,” skillfully encapsulating each to one page of easy-to-read text. She explains in the preface:

Summarizing centuries-old religions in a single page has been daunting and nearly impossible.  But doing it has shown us clearly what they all have in common; a sense of otherworldliness, a hunger for practicing greater love and compassion to their neighbors, and a way to express their values in ritual.

The illustrations by Kathleen Peterson are beautifully designed and include iconography and historically significant representations of each religion.  Within the portrayals are colorfully clothed worshippers of different ethnic groups, animals, foodstuffs, and musical instruments. Native costumes, geographical features, and symbols add rich significance to the pictures.

Images of religious meeting places show how we set aside sacred places for worship and connection to other believers.  Included are temples, churches, meeting halls, thatched roofs, and a synagogue. All the pictures are ideal for teaching children about each religion, and pointing out the small details that have meaning understandable for little ones.

The various religions are each laid out in a spread with an illustration on the left pane and explanatory text on the right, so at each turn of the page, the reader is treated to a beautiful picture with an interesting brief overview of a religion.  Included are several Christian religions, Baha’i, Asian religions, Native American, Jewish, Muslim, African, and Mid-eastern religions. Some were unknown to me, so it was interesting to learn about the Yoruba, Pachamama, Nuer, and Jain religions.

Throughout A World of Faith are several universal themes.  The belief in a heavenly power, explanations of our relationship to God, the use of ritual and religious symbols, the sanctity of nature and life, and good versus evil. Included is an overview of different religions’ versions of the Golden Rule.

In A World of Faith Stack and Peterson have married lovely artwork and informative writing to express respect and share valuable information about the belief systems and religions of our brothers and sisters throughout the world.   It has meaning and relevance on so many levels. I would recommend A World of Faith for humans of all ages and religions.