AML social event, call for volunteers and donations

AML social event

The Association for Mormon Letters will hold a dinner, with author readings, on Saturday, March 24, from 5:30, right after the Mormon Scholars in the Humanities Conference ends. Anyone with interest in Mormon literature and arts is invited.

It will be at a home at 2460 N. Canyon Road in Provo. We will be in the West Wing of the house, a separate apartment from the main part of the house (where a different event will be held at around the same time). We will have fliers at the conference with maps. There will be a light dinner (soup and salad) provided, and everyone is encouraged to participate in the potluck by brining desserts, side dishes, or drinks.

We invite authors to do readings at the event. The AML award winners and finalists will have first priority, but we hope that we will have time for others as well, including the poets at our poetry panel. Please write if you are interested in attending, and if you would like to do a reading.

We encourage participants to leave their cars at BYU and carpool as much as possible. There is a parking lot for the BYU Intermural Fields on Canyon Road, which is essentially across the street. People could also park in the back lot at Centennial Middle School, walk across the soccer field and come through the walking gate.

AML Business Meeting and Call for Volunteers

AML will hold a business meeting on Saturday, March 24, during lunch, 12:15-2:00, in JFSB B030 on BYU campus, with some board members participating through Skype. If you are interested in volunteering to help run AML, or Irreantum, our literary magazine, we invite you to drop by and let us know.

Donations to AML

Please donate to help keep the Association for Mormon Letters going. AML operating costs are typically low, but the organization currently has no formal practice for collecting membership dues. To continue its support of Mormon letters, AML requires donations to maintain its website and blog, fund its annual conference and awards ceremony, and fund its literary magazine Irreantum, which is restarting this month.

Please consider making a generous donation to support AML and its ongoing commitment to advancing Mormon arts and letters.

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